Clash Royale Chest Info! × Clash Royale (2024)

Lightning Chest: Open the Lightning Chest and use 'Strikes' to replace cards you don't want. Cards are replaced with another card of the same amount and rarity. Higher Arena Lightning Chests allow for more Strikes!

Arena 1 (2 strikes available): Total Cards: 81 [Common: 68; Rare: 13; Epic: 0; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 2 (2 strikes available): Total Cards: 85 [Common: 70; Rare: 14; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 3 (3 strikes available): Total Cards: 89 [Common: 74; Rare: 14; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 4 (3 strikes available): Total Cards: 93 [Common: 77; Rare: 15; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 5 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 97 [Common: 80; Rare: 16; Epic: 1; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 6 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 101 [Common: 83; Rare: 16; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 7 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 105 [Common: 86; Rare: 17; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 8 (4 strikes available): Total Cards: 109 [Common: 89; Rare: 18; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 9 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 113 [Common: 93; Rare: 18; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 10 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 117 [Common: 96; Rare: 19; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 11 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 121 [Common: 99; Rare: 20; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.42%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 12 (5 strikes available): Total Cards: 125 [Common: 103; Rare: 20; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.50%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 13 (6 strikes available): Total Cards: 129 [Common: 106; Rare: 21; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.58%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 14 (6 strikes available): Total Cards: 133 [Common: 109; Rare: 22; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.66%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 15 (6 strikes available): Total Cards: 137 [Common: 113; Rare: 22; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.74%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 16+ (6 strikes available): Total Cards: 137 [Common: 113; Rare: 22; Epic: 2; Chances for Legendary: 2.74%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Fortune Chest: Four different cards are featured in the Fortune Chest on a daily basis. The cards are selected randomly but try to favor cards that would be interesting and useful for you. Two out of the four featured cards are guaranteed upon opening the Fortune Chest.

Arena 1: Total Cards: 162 [Common: 125; Rare: 32; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 2: Total Cards: 170 [Common: 131; Rare: 34; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 3: Total Cards: 178 [Common: 138; Rare: 35; Epic: 5; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 4: Total Cards: 186 [Common: 143; Rare: 37; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 5: Total Cards: 194 [Common: 150; Rare: 38; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 6: Total Cards: 202 [Common: 156; Rare: 40; Epic: 6; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 7: Total Cards: 210 [Common: 161; Rare: 42; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 8: Total Cards: 218 [Common: 168; Rare: 43; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 9: Total Cards: 226 [Common: 174; Rare: 45; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 10: Total Cards: 234 [Common: 181; Rare: 46; Epic: 7; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 11: Total Cards: 242 [Common: 186; Rare: 48; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 12: Total Cards: 250 [Common: 192; Rare: 50; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 13: Total Cards: 258 [Common: 199; Rare: 51; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 14: Total Cards: 266 [Common: 205; Rare: 53; Epic: 8; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 15: Total Cards: 274 [Common: 211; Rare: 54; Epic: 9; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 16+: Total Cards: 274 [Common: 211; Rare: 54; Epic: 9; Chances for Legendary: 10%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

King's Chest (available from Arena 1-10)

Arena 1: Total Cards: 240 [Common: 176; Rare: 48; Epic: 16; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 2: Total Cards: 250 [Common: 184; Rare: 50; Epic: 16; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 3: Total Cards: 260 [Common: 191; Rare: 52; Epic: 17; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 4: Total Cards: 270 [Common: 198; Rare: 54; Epic: 18; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 5: Total Cards: 280 [Common: 206; Rare: 56; Epic: 18; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 6: Total Cards: 290 [Common: 213; Rare: 58; Epic: 19; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 7: Total Cards: 300 [Common: 219; Rare: 60; Epic: 20; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 8: Total Cards: 310 [Common: 227; Rare: 62; Epic: 20; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 9: Total Cards: 320 [Common: 234; Rare: 64; Epic: 21; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 10: Total Cards: 330 [Common: 241; Rare: 66; Epic: 22; Chances for Legendary: 0%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Legendary's King Chest (available from Arena 11-65+): Each Legendary's King Chest guarantees a Legendary Card and a unique 'card drafting' mechanic that allows you to choose between two different cards at a time.

Arena 11: Total Cards: 340 [Common: 249; Rare: 68; Epic: 22; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 12: Total Cards: 350 [Common: 256; Rare: 70; Epic: 23; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 13: Total Cards: 360 [Common: 264; Rare: 72; Epic: 24; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 14: Total Cards: 370 [Common: 272; Rare: 74; Epic: 24; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 15: Total Cards: 380 [Common: 279; Rare: 76; Epic: 25; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 0%]

Arena 16+: Total Cards: 380 [Common: 279; Rare: 76; Epic: 25; Chances for Legendary: 100%; Chances for Champion: 100%]

See you in the Arena,
The Clash Royale Team

The Lightning Chest, Fortune Chest, King's Chest, and Legendary's King Chest are integral parts of Clash Royale's gameplay, offering players opportunities to obtain and replace cards of varying rarities. These chests cater to different Arenas, each with its unique composition of cards and chances for specific card types.

The Lightning Chest allows players to replace unwanted cards using 'Strikes,' receiving another card of the same rarity and amount. As you progress through Arenas, the number of Strikes available increases, offering more flexibility in card replacement.

The Fortune Chest features four cards daily, emphasizing useful and interesting cards. Upon opening, two out of the four featured cards are guaranteed, presenting an element of chance and choice to the players.

Meanwhile, the King's Chest spans across multiple Arenas, offering a range of cards with varying quantities based on the Arena level. It doesn't assure Legendary or Champion cards but provides a mix of Common, Rare, and Epic cards.

The Legendary's King Chest, available from Arena 11 onwards, guarantees a Legendary Card alongside a unique card drafting mechanism. This drafting system lets players choose between two different cards at a time, ensuring the acquisition of a Legendary card with each chest opening.

The breakdown you've provided details the card quantities per rarity for each Arena, indicating the progression in available cards and the gradual increase in chances for Legendary cards as players advance through Arenas. However, the chance for Champion cards is introduced only in Arena 16+, coinciding with the Legendary's King Chest in these higher Arenas.

Clash Royale's chest system creates a strategic layer within the game, enabling players to collect and upgrade cards essential for building effective decks. The variance in card availability across different Arenas encourages progression and strategic planning to enhance gameplay strategies.

Clash Royale Chest Info! × Clash Royale (2024)


Clash Royale Chest Info! × Clash Royale? ›

Regardless of the player's King level, there are 4 Magical Chests in the Chest Cycle. Magical Chests guarantee 2 or more Epic Cards, depending the player's Arena, as well as a few Rare Cards and Common Cards. Magical Chests take either 12 hours, 72 Gems, or 1 Chest Key to unlock.

What determines what chest you get in Clash Royale? ›

What determines what type of chest you get when you win a match in Clash Royale (gold, silver, or bronze)? It's usually predetermined the way you can check is if you go to statsRoyale website or app, enter your player tag and scroll down.

How to check what chest you are going to get on Clash Royale? ›

How to check the Clash Royale Chest Cycle?
  1. Open the Royale API website.
  2. Enter your name or tag. This can be found by clicking on your player name in the main menu of Clash Royale. ...
  3. You will be able to see all the account details for your Clash Royale ID.
  4. Scroll down to the Upcoming Chests option.
Dec 31, 2023

What are the odds of getting a champion in Clash Royale chest? ›

The probability of getting a champion out of a magical chest in Clash Royale is 13.67%. This means that for every 100 magical chests you open, you will get a champion on average.

Are chests random in Clash Royale? ›

Most chests don't drop randomly.

During training camp, you'll receive 6 wooden chests in a row. After that, all other chests you receive follow a repeating, but fixed order (see below for the list). However, there is always a (small!) chance to get a Super Magical Chest.

Can you get champions from any chest? ›

Finally, once you get 6500 Trophies, the Monk is added to your collection. Also, you can get a guaranteed Champion by opening a Champion Chest. Except for Epic Chests and Legendary Chests, Champions can appear in any kind of Chests!

How rare is it to get an epic chest in Clash Royale? ›

Epic Chests are 1 of the 3 rarest Chests won through battles, tied with Mega Lightning and Legendary Chests. Epic Chests are not part of the regular chest cycle (see Chest Cycle). Epic Chests guarantee Epic Cards only and do not contain cards of any other rarity.

What does upcoming chests mean in stats Royale? ›

the + means upcoming chests, basically how many chests away until you get a specific chest, while the - means past chests.

Which is the most powerful card in Clash Royale? ›

10 Best Legendary Cards in Clash Royale
  1. 1 Ice Wizard. The Ice Wizard card has gained recognition as one of the most beneficial cards in the game.
  2. 2 Mega Knight. The Mega Knight is an undeniably powerful troop. ...
  3. 3 Bandit. ...
  4. 4 Lava Hound. ...
  5. 5 Electro Wizard. ...
  6. 6 Inferno Dragon. ...
  7. 7 Sparky. ...
  8. 8 Lumberjack. ...
Feb 17, 2023

How rare is a legendary in Clash Royale? ›

Each chest you get is on a chest cycle. There are 240 chests in one cycle. A legendary chest will appear once every two cycles after you get to Royal Arena. Assuming you never lose, you can get a legendary every 480 battles.

What determines how many crowns you get in Clash Royale? ›

Players win a battle by obtaining more Crowns than the enemy. This is done by destroying the opponent's Crown Towers. If the player destroys the opponent's King's Tower, they get 3 Crowns, as the other 2 Crown Towers will be automatically destroyed as well, resulting in an automatic win.

What is the reward chest cycle in Clash Royale? ›

The cycle only advances if you have at least one Chest slot empty. You must have a Chest slot open to get the next Chest and move forward in the cycle. Check out Stats Royale or Royale API to see the Chest cycle and upcoming chests of any player.

How does Clash Royale determine how many trophies you get? ›

The number of Trophies won or lost is based on the difference between you and your enemy's Trophies. Generally, if you win against a player who has more Trophies than you, you will be rewarded with more Trophies.

How do you get clan chests in Clash Royale? ›

The Clan Chest was a type of Chest belonging to a Clan. It was similar to a Crown Chest in the sense that players would need to collect Crowns in order to open it. Starting every Friday, all players in a Clan at the time would have the opportunity to gather Crowns for the Clan Chest.

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