Industries ▷ Shaping markets successfully | Bruggemann (2024)

We offer our customers versatile, high-perform­ance products that success­fully help shape a wide variety of indus­tries and reli­ably provide impetus for further devel­op­ment. In this regard Brügge­mann is always enthu­si­ast­ic­ally looking for new applic­a­tion possib­il­ities, supports its customers with advice in the selec­tion of products, and delivers product solu­tions for the niche.

Get acquainted with our most important markets, applic­a­tion areas, and products.

Construc­tion Industry / Concrete Industry

They enable easy processing even in chal­len­ging projects: Use of flow improvers in concrete ensures success in the construc­tion of even the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Brügge­mann offers redu­cing agents for produ­cing flow improvers, i.e., so-called super­plas­ti­cizers based on polycarboxylates, for use in the construc­tion sector.

Emul­sion Poly­mer­iz­a­tion

We market and produce tailor-made water-soluble initi­ators for poly­mer­iz­a­tion in water. And we have been doing this since this method was developed. Radical-forming initi­ator systems consti­tute an essen­tial component of poly­mer­iz­a­tion in water.

To ensure that emul­sion poly­mer­iz­a­tion succeeds, so-called “redox systems” consisting of a redu­cing agent and an oxid­izing agent are required.

With Brug­golite®E01 we have been providing our customers with one of the best-known redu­cing agents since the begin­nings of emul­sion poly­mer­iz­a­tion. It is char­ac­ter­ized by high reli­ab­ility and react­ivity, does not cause the polymer to yellow, and is used throughout the world in virtu­ally all emul­sion poly­mers.
Brug­golite®FF6 is the first new devel­op­ment in this area in almost 100 years and it meets the increasing demands of the market that are imposed on the products of our customers. Low residual monomer content, extremely high react­ivity, no yellowing, FDA approval, and the absence of form­al­de­hyde are the most important char­ac­ter­istics of this product.

Brug­golite®FF6M is mainly used in post-poly­mer­iz­a­tion to remove the residual monomers without burdening the polymer with form­al­de­hyde.

Ethanol for Phar­ma­cies and Clinics

Customer-oriented and thus flex­ible: Brüggemann­Alcohol also supplies phar­ma­cies, insti­tutes, clinics, and univer­sities, which need ethanol in lower volumes. In this case the product is supplied in 5-liter or 30-liter containers.

Ethanol for Chem­istry & Tech­no­logy

Ethanol plays an important role in the manu­fac­ture of cleaning agents, wind­shield anti­freeze, and for use in solvents. It cools during product processing or cleans produc­tion equip­ment.

As a manu­fac­turer of ethanol, Brüggemann­Alcohol also relies on ethanol with a constant high sensor value.

For chem­ical synthesis in partic­ular, consistent high product quality is crucial for process flow.

Paints and Coat­ings

Our direct and indirect zinc oxides are used as corro­sion inhib­itors in anti-corro­sion varnishes.

Thanks to Brügge­mann, paints manu­fac­tured with redu­cing agents (Brug­golite®FF6 M, for example) with chem­ic­ally post-treated emul­sion poly­mer­iz­a­tion are virtu­ally odor­less due to the reduced VOC content.

Seals of quality for paints, such as the “Blue Angel,” are awarded not least due to the use of our products.

Rubber Industry

Our zinc oxide is an important ingredient for the manu­fac­ture of tech­nical rubber products as well as for tire produc­tion. As a specialist for active zinc compounds, Brügge­mann offers an extensive product palette of zinc oxides, but also zinc carbon­atesfor applic­a­tions in the rubber industry.

In addi­tion to all common seal types, this in partic­ular is an active zinc oxide (Zinc Oxide RAC), which thanks to its incred­ibly high surface area offers react­iv­ities permit­ting reduc­tion in rubber use by as much as 50%.

Addi­tional products offered for this industry are:

Zinkoxid Pro Series, Zinc Oxide AC, and Zinc Carbonate AC.

Cosmetics/Personal Care

For skin and hair: We make both a little more beau­tiful, since our port­folio also offers suit­able products from the zinc deriv­ates, redu­cing agents, and ethanol groups for the cosmetics and personal-care industry. Zinc and ethanol in partic­ular are known for fungi­cidal and anti-bacterial effects.

With our Zinc Carbonate AC we offer a product for the cosmetics and personal-care industry that can be used in salves and pastes, in partic­ular. Brug­golite®FF7 is a redu­cing agent used in hair cosmetics. Its compos­i­tion is also in line with the regu­latory frame­work applic­able in this sector. Our ethanol in phar­ma­ceut­ical quality (Ph. Eu.) meets the high sensory require­ments that are imper­ative in for the manu­fac­turing of perfume, as a component in cosmetics or in natural preser­vat­ives.

To do this, in produ­cing this product we continu­ally conduct organ­o­leptic exam­in­a­tions.


Brügge­mann also offers products from the areas of redu­cing agents, zinc deriv­at­ives, and ethanol for the phar­ma­ceut­ical industry. In so doing we meet high industry-specific stand­ards.

Redu­cing agents are used in the phar­ma­ceut­icals industry to stabilize solu­tions. Our product Brüg­golit®NF is checked and tested in accord­ance with the United States Phar­ma­copeia (USP), so it can be used in specific indus­tries.

In its purest form, ethanol is used in phar­ma­ceut­ical applic­a­tions in the manu­fac­ture of medic­a­tions and homeo­pathic products, disin­fect­ants, and for the extrac­tion of active plant ingredi­ents. From excipient to active ingredient (approved for medi­cinal products and biocides), we have a broad product port­folio. The phar­ma­ceut­ical quality of our ethanol meets the require­ments of the current European Phar­ma­co­poeia (ph. Eu.).

Spirits, Food Products, and Flavor­ings

Constant neut­rality and purity are char­ac­ter­istic of classic potable alcohol for spirits. Brüggemann­Alcohol supplies it for various special­ties in the food industry.

Engin­eering Plastics

Engin­eering plastics that must with­stand extreme condi­­tions require the support of specially formu­lated plastic addit­ives. For these engin­eering plastics, Brügge­­mann offers addit­ives for poly­­am­ides and poly­­es­ters, as well as AP-NYLON® addit­ives.

Under the trade name BRUG­GOLEN®, Brügge­­mann offers high-perform­ance addit­ives for engin­eering plastics, with focus on poly­­­amide. These polymer addit­ives are used for injec­­tion molding and extru­­sion, as well as in the fiber industry. They enable effi­­cient processing and increase the service life of parts and the quality of engin­eering plastics while remaining econom­ical. Brügge­­mann's AP-NYLON® addit­ives make key contri­bu­­tions in achieving a struc­tur­ally improved poly­­­amide with high impact resist­ance and long service life.

We are the world's leading provider of feed­stocks for the manu­­fac­ture of cast poly­­­amide and the addit­ives required for it and conduct intensive research in the area of anionic poly­­mer­­­iz­a­­tion.

Textile Industry

Our redu­cing agents are used in many areas of the textile industry, in partic­ular for dying fabrics, and also for poly­ester post-wash.

For classic vat dying, we recom­mend our Brug­golite®E01 as well as Sodium Hydro­sulfite F. Our liquid redu­cing agent Brug­golite®L40, which can be used for poly­ester post­wash, achieves improved hand­ling. For a form­al­de­hyde-free textile setup, we recom­mend our Brug­golite®FF6M.

Other Indus­tries

With its different products, Brügge­mann serves other highly special­ized indus­tries and applic­a­tions. Do you want to know whether we can provide a custom-tailored product solu­tion for you too, or do you need more inform­a­tion? If so, just contact us!

In addi­tion we are active in these indus­tries and applic­a­tion areas:

• Elec­tro­plating

• Glass and ceramics

• Adhes­ives

• Melamine

• Paper bleaches and mineral bleaches

• Personal care

• Water treat­ment

We’re Doing Some­thingYou can find out why we like to stand up for our envir­on­ment, and also for our great employees, on our “Respons­ib­ility” page.Forge of the FutureNothing comes from nothing.For this reason, we invest in extensive research and devel­op­ment.Close to the market and always a bit ahead of the future.More in the story “Research and Devel­op­ment”
Industries ▷ Shaping markets successfully | Bruggemann (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.